Valley Rural Electric Cooperative
A consumer-owned electric utility providing reliable electric service to more than 22,400 consumers in south-central Pennsylvania
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Scholarship applications now available for 2025
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Save energy and money this winter
The Co-op in Brief

Miles of lines

Years and counting
A Brief Introduction
Valley Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. is a consumer-owned utility providing reliable electric service to more than 22,400 consumers in south-central Pennsylvania. As a cooperative, Valley REC is owned by the people it serves. Being a not-for-profit business, the cooperative's goal is to offer its members dependable electric service at the lowest possible cost. For more details about Valley REC, visit our About Us page.
Answers to some basic questions about your electric cooperative
Valley Rural Electric is a not-for-profit business owned by the members it serves. The cooperative provides reliable electric service at the lowest possible cost. Any revenue left over after expenses are paid is allocated to members as capital credits. Our board of directors is elected by and from the membership. To learn more about electric cooperatives, visit The Cooperative Difference page.
Valley’s service territory includes parts of Bedford, Blair, Centre, Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata and Mifflin counties. We provide reliable electric service to over 22,000 homes, farms, and businesses. To see a map of our service territory and the municipalities we serve, visit the Service Territory page.
Generally there is a $25 account processing fee and a $200 deposit, but these costs can vary. Our office services department can tell you how the process will work for you. You can also begin the new service process online by clicking the Start New Service button at the top of our website.
To help you manage your electric bill, we offer automated payment options and levelized billing. Contact our billing department to discus these options. You can also control you energy bills by making your home more energy efficient. For more information on energy efficiency, visit the Save Energy page and the pages under that menu tab or contact our member services department.
Valley members can make payments in person, by mail, by phone, or online. There are no fees for payments made by credit card or debit card. To learn more about payment options, including viewing your account information online, visit the Payment Options page.