Do the "Electric Shift"!
2019 Electric Shift Education from Valley Rural Electric Cooperative on Vimeo.
This video, produced by WJAC-TV, explains the importance of shifting your electric use during hot summer days. Remember to close blinds, run pool heaters before 1 p.m. or after 6 p.m. and use microwave ovens and gas grills to reduce electric consumption.
Our future electric rates are partially based on how much power you use on hot, humid weekdays between noon and 7 p.m. during the summer. When the weather forecast predicts a hot, humid day, or when you hear or see an announcement about a control day or the "Electric Shift," try these simple steps.
Set air conditioners at 78 degrees or use fans instead.
- Close curtains and blinds to keep things cooler in your home.
- Operate washers, dryers, dishwashers, stoves and other major appliances in early morning or late evening.
- Minimize the number of times you open your refrigerator and freezer.
- Cook with an outdoor grill or a microwave oven.
- Turn off any non-essential lights and devices.
- Run pool pumps at night.
- Postpone charging any electric vehicles until late evening or overnight.
- Dress in loose, lightweight clothing.
And, if you have an electric water heater and are not part of Valley's demand response program, please consider joining. When you join, you will receive a $100 bill credit, and you will help control the rate you pay for electricity. Visit our Demand Response page for more information.