The Cooperative Difference
Cooperatives are a special kind of business that not many folks understand. For one thing, a cooperative is owned by the people who receive its products or services. Many other things set cooperatives apart for other businesses.
Bylaws and Forms
Valley Rural Electric Cooperative is governed by a set of bylaws. A new member receives a copy of the bylaws and must complete other forms to sign up for service. We have gathered these documents in one place.
Annual Report
Valley Rural Electric Cooperative publishes a report that details the events and financial information of the cooperative from the previous year. The report also describes existing programs and highlights plans and projects for the current year.
Capital Credits
As a not-for-profit cooperative, Valley REC sets aside any revenue in excess of expenses as capital credits. These funds are reserved as patronage capital to help with future expenses. Later they are returned to the members as conditions permit.
Directors and Districts
Valley REC’s service area is divided into nine districts. One member from each district is elected by the members to serve on the cooperative’s board of directors for a three-year term.
Member Meetings
Since cooperatives are democratically controlled, members of Valley REC gather at various meetings to nominate and elect fellow members to serve on a board of directors which oversees the business of the cooperative.
Recent Posts
One of the founding principles of cooperatives is education and information. Valley keeps its members informed via various means. One way is posting articles and events on this website. Check our recent posts for current and archived news.
Penn Lines
As part of its efforts to educate and inform it members, Valley REC contributes local content to Penn Lines magazine. The monthly magazine of Pennsylvania's electric cooperatives provides information and features relating to rural electric cooperatives, rural and suburban living, and community interests.
Valley News
Valley News was Valley REC's bi-monthly local newsletter that provided members with information about their co-op and with local interest stories in the co-op's service territory. The newsletter ended publication with the November/December 2015 issue. Past issues are archived for reference.
Scam Alerts
Unscrupulous people are always trying to scam other folks out of their money or property. And they are constantly changing their methods. Valley tries to keep its members informed of different scams and ways to spot the scammer. NEVER give out your personal or financial information over the phone unless you initiate the call.